FCD Team Reunited!

After a long period of remote working, the FCD team have been reunited in our socially distanced office.

With the easing of lockdown restrictions and passing into Phase 2 of the roadmap, our team are delighted to have been reunited and returned to working in our office from Monday 12th April.

Monday’s stage in the roadmap saw the opening of non-essential retail; personal care premises, such as hair dressers, and public buildings. Indoor leisure facilities such as gyms and also outdoor hospitality, all of which we’re sure have been welcomed across the country. Have you had your haircut yet, or been for that first pint in the beer garden?

We do still need to remember restrictions are still in place and we all need to do our best to protect ourselves and others, so please do continue to take head of social distance, wear a mask and take all other necessary steps to do so.

Our office has been equipped to allow safe working distances and procedures, and as we continue to be able to deliver cars to our key worker customers, our Covid-safe delivery process keeps you and our team safe when doing so too.

Managing Director, Steve Thornton, welcomed the team back on Monday: "We are incredibly grateful of being able to work remotely during the lockdown and being able to continue to support our customers. It is wonderful to be reunited as a team and we are ready more than ever to assist with your new car search!"

FCD Summary

We are incredibly grateful of being able to work remotely during the lockdown and being able to continue to support our customers. It is wonderful to be reunited as a team and we are ready more than ever to assist with your new car search!

Welcome to Forces Cars Direct

If you serve, you save

We provide new car discounts for all
Armed Forces personnel, past and present.

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