FCD Paul's Journey to Skill at Arms Instructor

Following on from Paul's award for “Best Staff Member” from his Squadron, he has now been away attending a 5 day residential course at Frimley Park CTC, where he completed a “Skill at Arms Instructor” course.

The course will allow him to be able to teach cadets all aspects of weapon handling and a range practices on the L98A2 rifle. Here is what Paul had to say about his course... 

“The following photos are from the “Skill at arms Instructor” course, which I recently completed at Frimley CTC (Cadet Training Centre). This centre is run by the Army, so as a member of the Royal Air Force Air Cadets it was a little alien! It was a 5 day course to assess my ability to teach cadets in weapon handling and range procedures. The weapons pictured are the L98A2 cadet full bore weapon and the other is the new upcoming L144 a .22 rimfire, which is the initial firearm cadets are taught how to use. The course was a full week from 07:45 until 22:00 every day, so was very physically and mentally taxing, but I did pass!”

FCD Summary

Forces Cars Direct are once again proud of Paul's achievements and will continue to support him in his dedication to the Royal Air Force Cadets.

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