Visitors & Customers

Now that our office has reopened following the lockdown period, we are working hard to ensure the safety of our employees and anyone who needs to visit us. If you do need to visit our office, please read this guidance before hand and do call us on 01522 814010 with any questions.

BEFORE VISITING the office, please consider whether it is an essential visit. Most appointments can be carried out via telephone or video call. If you are unsure whether a physical face-to-face meeting is required, please give our team a call on 01522 814010.

  1. If your visit is essential, please give our team a call on 01522 814010 to make an appointment.

  2. Where possible, please limit the number of people visiting to one person at a time.

  3. Hand sanitiser will be available on entry to our office and we request that you use this prior to entering and when leaving.

  4. All visitors will need to sign in and out using the visitors book, which a member of staff will complete with you on your arrival.

  5. On arrival, and after using the sanitiser available, please alert a member of staff by knocking on the door and then please wait on the landing area for a member of our team to direct you.

  6. Where possible, please maintain social distance.

Our team are working hard to ensure the safety of you and our team and have strict cleaning schedules and procedures in place. If you are unsure of any of the above and would like to ask a question, please call our team on 01522 814010.

We thank you for your patience and understanding on this matter.

Close to our heart

We are proud to work in partnership with several Armed Forces organisations to further support our military community.

Find out more about these partnerships by clicking the logos below.

Welcome to Forces Cars Direct

If you serve, you save

We provide new car discounts for all
Armed Forces personnel, past and present.

To discover the discounts available for you and to find your ideal car, please select your eligibility from the list below:

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